Rice and Amaranth Flour Waffles

This looks stuffed. I think it posed like that on purpose.

Dear reader, it’s been years, hmmm? Days? Really? Oh. It is of course me, bitter, jaded food blogger! No, not really, but I’m sure I’ll come across like that slightly today. I’d sigh deeply, dear reader, but you won’t hear me so it’d be pointless. What has brought this on, Jack? I hear you query, or rather I don’t. Whenever I tweak a recipe like this, just a slight change, but one that provides proof positive that it does work and is viable, it reminds me of the countless times I’ve come across recipes making claims that have no verification, no, not the Twitter blue tick, you can use any flour is all too often claimed and ultimately damaging and untrue, be it to the deterrent of trying further recipes or for the assumption it creates where you assume the failure is on your lack of skills or understanding. I’ve spoken about this before, but it bears repeating that gluten free is as varied a medium to create recipes in as any diet. Without fully knowing we shouldn’t share. A full flour amaranth waffle doesn’t work, I tried it and know, this because of the same reason: I tried it. But what’s to stop me claiming that any flour would work here? Nothing, the responsibility is enforced by myself on myself. For no the reason then I know the struggles many of us face and making further difficulties for people just learning is unforgivable. I don’t want views or shares based on lies. I should get on my high horse and ride away, but I’ve beaten it to death.

Where are the waffles? “What waffles?”

Okay, deep breath. I won’t apologise for feeling strongly, but I hope I don’t come off as trying to make myself look better by slandering others. I think people just make mistakes, but when those mistakes compound their lack of malicious or devious intent no longer matters. What do I know? I just bought amaranth flour and then realised I had no real use for it. Sure I have recipes, but I really had no need for it. I’m honestly puzzled by the fact I bought it. My brain is so preoccupied with healing it’s getting befuddled. As for the healing I’ve now hit the stage where the swelling reduces, I look good, dear reader, almost human, heh, but the pain is hitting as nerves awaken to their destiny, which is apparently to never be touched. I’m now able to wear just one binder. The world was not made for people of Jack’s height, dear reader. Ah, well, enough preambles, onto the waffles.

Here they are. Goodbye.

As I said I tried all amaranth, not remembering it’s a sticky mess at the best of times, but even with just a little these ran the risk of sticking, but you’ll be fine if you don’t go beyond the amount in the recipe. These are sweetened, but not sweet. You need something to cut through the blandness of the rice four and the strong taste of the unroasted amaranth flour. They”re not super crispy, but they’re also not limp. They’re ideal s a sandwich bread replacement. The amaranth flour adds a lot more nutritional value than just the rice flour on its lonesome. Yeah, that’s all there is to say. A simple recipe, but useful. I see the same recipes recycled over and over, often by companies trying to sell you on their products and then by the other companies or people getting paid to advertise them. You can do so much more then most people will know on a free from diet, never forget that, dear reader, never give up and just accept. Fight, fight to be and do better.


80g Rice Flour (White and Brown Blend)
20g Amaranth Flour
2 Medium Eggs (60g-65g in Shell)
75ml Water
50ml Olive Oil
25g Sugar
1/2 Tsp Baking Powder

Makes 4 Waffles. Can be frozen.


1. Turn on Waffle Iron. Beat Eggs until frothy using a whisk, then mix in Milk, Olive Oil and Sugar beat until combined.

2. Add in Flours and Baking Powder whisk until a smooth, runny batter has been formed.

3. Add enough Batter to warmed Waffle Iron to fill the plates, close and cook for 7-10 minutes until waffles are golden brown and the bottom is crisp. Remove wih a rubber spatula and let cool for a few minutes, Waffles will crisp up slightly more as they cool. Repeat until batter is used up.

7 thoughts on “Rice and Amaranth Flour Waffles

  1. I was just talking about this problem with my mom the other day – how many online gluten free and dairy free recipes don’t work! I’m back to using cookbooks because I feel like there is a greater chance they have been tested repeatedly and will work:)

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  2. Your waffles look splendid, but let me for once disagree with you about poor relative in gluten free flour family. I had the same issue, though amaranth flour was a gift, sitting for ages in the pantry. I made the recipe and we liked it so much, that I went and bought amaranth flour. I agree though that there should be other ingredients to add. This time both of my favourites – apple puree and ricotta/cottage cheese. Amaranth flour gives particular type of softness to the bake, it is moist without wetness. Cranberry or dried apricots squares, baked as relatively thin tray bake were very nice.

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    • You’ve done amazing things with so few ingredients, I was honestly amazed that you could make even amaranth flour shine. Perhaps with this, albeit small, bag I’ll create something that really stands out. I can always stand to learn more and with each trial I get a little better.

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      • I would have never made this recipe and let amaranth sit in the cupboard if not for the request of a desperate mother with plenty of amaranth supply available and not having a clue what to make for her coeliac child. My best recipes are usually made on requests, fortunately I am only coeliac and can’t tolerate soy. Gluten free cooking and baking is not enough stimulating for me, I like the challenge and like to prove that anything is possible. Sometimes it means that ingredients that I strongly disliked initially, became my favourites. Typical example is coconut flour, an amazing product, so versatile when you get to know it better. It’s like with people. The stranger they appear at the first glance, the more interesting and dear they become when you get to know them.

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      • I can only imagine the amount of people grateful for your recipes. I know that with my own restrictions I’ve all but given up on waiting for new recipes to appear and instead just do whatever I think will work, as you know it occasionally creates wonderful recipes, other times I just learn what I can from the failure and carry on. I just wish the flours were more readily available and more reasonably priced, occasionally they appear online, but it’s never a given they’ll stay available. I’ve learned to work with everything so I’ll always be able to eat well, but it’d be nice to have the freedom to really cut loose.

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