Dinosaur Heaven

Lentils get that blue grey I really like.

Ah, I like this rose more and more as it blooms.

Just incase I’m attacked.

I will never seen this open at this rate.

Time for lilies.

Freeze some, eat some, share some.

The wind snapped the stem annoyingly.

My Angel, depending on the angle he is more disapproving.

When I die I’d like to go to dinosaur heaven, for now I’ll settle for heaven on earth.

Out the back I was weeding when a huge bumble bee tried to bop the rose buds so I thumbed behind me to the honeysuckle and it flew behind me.

Cheap lilies look so expensive.

Back rose is, well a sizeable chunk of the back.

Cabbage looks good, think I lost one.

Yo, Dear Reader, the awful weather persists, but so do I. I’m trying to get used to the limited sun because if I keep up the panicked pace whenever a halfway decent day comes along I’ll crack up. I’m currently in my almost feral garden stage, if you dump me in the garden in sun I’ll just stay there all day with no need for anything, I’m out eating strawberries fresh from the bush, now just biting the undamaged part and leaving the rest for the birds, sun warmed and with so many varieties, almost all mixed up, you can actually taste the difference. It’s a terrible year for a lot of fruit, in the shops everything is pretty bad so it isn’t just me, the compost is getting a lot of use, which is the greater cycle as it’ll hopefully help next year. I would swear that the homebrewed feed is helping, I pulled as much of the back nettles as I could so they and a bag of creeping buttercup are brewing now. Messy and awkward work, but worth it…I hope.

Super spreader anemone, funnily the white is still so small. Maybe needs a bigger pot.

The back climber was really weak last year. Roses look good this year.

I don’t think I’d ever go back to all pink.

Very old, very delicate.

I thought they were nice ten a bee started smashing into them and suddenly they’re great.

Good old Drac.

Silly fun.

Lovely but so low they’re hard to see.

You can just see the backs.

Managed some pink at the back, easier to go blue in pots.

Impossible to train.

Happy to see it growing so well.

So, I epoxied Scarosaurus and it stuck lovely, he and S.I.D are in what I’m just calling Dinosaur Heaven right now, I will likely make more if I can get my hands on anything suitable. If things go well then the dissected and reassembled plastic ram skull will be the hundredth of the “masks”. I’m weary, Dear Reader, but will to take a chance on failure. It’s like a jigsaw, taking it apart to go back together mostly the same and in the end to become something new. I actually have another set of horns that may suit if the first fail and they’re more likely to than not, but hope springs eternal and all that. The awful weather needs a positive counter and the masks have been that. The masks and ornaments are entirely for my amusement and I figure I’ll stop whenever they become dull…so never I guess.

Some of the roses are too laden with blooms to stay up.

Daylilies are coming out.

Sad the mould broke as they are nice.

Ah, a rebloom.

Everlasting sweet peas are starting to flower.

Cultivated blackberries are starting to flower.

Taking note of what does well in trays.

No idea when it’ll go outside.

I’ll do my best, but I’m not hoping for anything.

The Rambler is having its best year.

Astilbe used to be so hard to grow for me oddly.

Right now I just keep things ticking over as best I can, all the discarded garlic is now being boiled as slug prevention before being composted, seems to work, the coffee grinds are being tossed at the strawberries and that seems to help and the compost bins are still active as it’s warm enough and the worms as industrious as ever. In a way the garden gives you everything you need for it to thrive, it’s just a matter of figuring out how to use what. I actually found out that my fraternal grandfather, I had a grandmother and the rest were dead before I was born which is odd I admit, was a farmer. Can’t beat breeding I guess. Now I wonder if there’s a farm somewhere for me, Dear Reader, if I vanish then don’t worry I’ve just gone to live on a farm. Until later, stay safe and take care.

So much work to break down and even more to get it back together. I found a small pull saw online which is great.

There are three varieties here, but I have no idea which is which. Some have red bottoms, some green. Firmness varies. Sweetness depends on feed aka they’re all sweet.

Back rose cutting bloomed first.

Some of these big roses have a peach centre.

Back rose always blooms fully in July only.

Roman has a green bottom. Not sure what the really means, but some are firmer, used to have a really solid one that make amazing conserves.

I have a mask with small horns that may be repurposed for Scarosaurus.

Getting wild, they always do for me, but I’ll prune and let it grow.

Super hard to weed, but much better now.

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