Crick Crack It’ll Stick Back

No spraying has really helped the roses.

Lotta spud flowers about.

This is really nice.

Cleaning up will be a hassle.

You may remember me planting the sprouting store garlic late. Not bad at all, Spanish rather than Chinese so that helped.

Lost one pot to rain, but the rest of the elephant garlic looks good. Curing cuts the bitterness.

Yeah, it’s coming together now.

Roman is going to be a prolific strawberry, spreader at least.

Bird, I’ve been calling it that so much it stuck.

Feeling around to see if I should pull or not is the only way to be sure.

It really is beautiful.

Yo, Dear Reader, two whole days of mostly sunshine, though today also featured an incredibly warm wind which meant all the dry soil was flying in my face, still it’s the weather to get the garlic harvested and oh, boy is it a mess. There are stalks that are green and falling, ones that are yellow and upright, ones with small bulbs, fine, ones with big bulbs, also fine, and some with bulbs that are fully formed and also flowering. Hardly a pot is coming up the same, I can’t even gauge any varieties for next year’s planting, this year’s I mean…you know what I mean, glad someone does. Still after eight months of rain, no Spring and hardly any Summer they’re putting out something. The harvest is far from over, I just hope we don’t get a deluge of rain at the wrong time.

I’d say more sun would bring more, but the feed is doing a lot of heavy lifting.

Lighting varies a lot.

Ronald who was once a Joker rip-off mask.

Long bloom time on the yellow this year.

Just a break, once I’d have panicked.

Needed a little raising in the jaw so I bent some metal and stuck it to it.

Tayberries are tart and sweet.

The Heat felt intense today.

No swinging it around madly sadly.

This was actually mostly dead for a few years, then I stopped spraying and back it comes.

Picasso, where the other ear went is a mystery.

Had to go out at night jus because I kept seeing it from the window. It’s weighed down with blooms.

Greenhouse garlic has the same issues as the outside garlic, it’s a sun and temperature issue as well as rain.

Since I have pots being emptied, spare squash seedlings and a compost bin that’s more than ready to rejuvenate the soil I figure I may toss a few extra down and see what happens. I’m not holding out any hope, I’m just doing all I can, dumping homemade feed into them as much as possible and just waiting. It is really startling how beholden you are to the weather, year after year I’ve watched so much change and not for the better. We already struggle here with our near non-existent Autumn and if the winds and rain are staying, well, I’m not thinking too hard on it, Dear Reader, by which I mean I am just not here. I’ll take whatever the garden gives me, wandering around eating fruits from the plants is always a pleasure regardless of the yield.

Front rose with a double swirl.

Bees really love the honeysuckle.

Better after a replant earlier in the year.

Some of the paints are meh, but the blue grey is nice as displayed by X-Ray.

Back rose has a rose inside that’s blooming first.

I’m just calling it Bird 2 for now, looks messy here, but nice in its spot down the back.

Lilies are popping out.

Lots to come yet.

Double D. aka Depressed Dracula.

So, masks, right…where are we? Ah, yeah S.I.D, last time I had just taken it from the trash and patched it up. Funny thing, Dear Reader, the hooked beak that he has isn’t part of the mask, I thought it was, there is a beak, but not so prominent, it’s a fluke of it resting heavily in the bucket and truncating. Which means S.I.D is unique, as is the new addition Scarosaurus! (There’s a line from the top to the snout that was where bad crack was) I figured with the mouth shut I’d have an issue removing the mask, then the jaw detached and it was easy. I have it epoxied and it should be down the garden with S.I.D soon. A clean break is fine and this is all expected when it’s all makeshift, I was actually going to paint the axe and then it bumped the table and the handle loosened. I could’ve just glued it again, but the working surface is too lumpy, sanding might cause a break if I hold it too hard too, so I used the letter D to join them both, which seems to have worked. I’ll check tomorrow and paint it. I’m not that fond of paint and two tones is a hassle to me, bless anyone who can paint, but a grey head and brown handle looks good. I’ll keep at it and hope for three days of sun, a luxury here, until later, stay safe and take care, Dear Reader.

Can’t tell if this is the “red” or the other is. I’ll know when the other blooms.

Just calling it Grandpa as it looks too much like a lot of people I know.

Starting to feel more alive around.

Lightened the red for Harley.

I forgot I have late yellow roses too.

Equals looking good. Really like that colour.

I’ll cut them back this year, probably.

I put the barrel in it was empty, I plant in there and suddenly it’s now the rose as well.

The “scar”. Mask is trashed completely, but two dino heads is good.

Never tiring of this.

Garlic grown from bulbils I collected.

The table is done just in time for the sun.

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