Weathering The Weather

This, but almost every day.

The roses have mingled so much they’re all blooming everywhere.

Front fig looks nice.

Eight feet high…

The scent varies so much between roses.

I love seeing how they change as they age.

First squash was an uchiki kuri.

Potted hydrangeas turn blue easier.

I feel for the bees in this weather.

Connemara daises planted with roses.

Super common small bush rose, less and less common now though.

Red rose has bloomed! I love this shade of red, the original is nearly dead.

Yo, Dear Reader, I am still trying to garden through whatever we’re calling this, I just checked the currants and much like the raspberries and rhubarb they’re terrible, never had a year like this and I actually mean that. I’m taking it as I can, but when I can put down squash on a sunny day, can’t call it Summery as it was cold in places, while the soil is dry and warm and that very night have it saturated by a heavy rain, well, how can I plan? I feel more at ease now I’m certain I’ll be skipping the jams and jellies this year, but I will continue to make the most of what I can, whether it works or not I won’t give up or give in. I have a square that was for cabbages, then was for squash, then when the cold-frame became abed I wasn’t sure, but a batch of late started cabbage seeds look great right now so back to cabbage. I’m dizzy, Dear Reader.

Hanging baskets are a pain to buy for, but I grew the nasturtiums and the Nemesia were a cheap and for charity.

Gave The Rambler a little Epsom salts and iron and it looks good this year.

Droopy and lovely.

Okay, yellow right?

A day later.

Missing one strawberry, one I had must be wild or seed because it was tiny, I’ll let it settle and then plant the rhubarb in top.

Slowly merging.

Yellow now, white later.

Some plants are loving this weather oddly.

Went look for this plant and found a friend.

Lot of plants treated as annuals are turning perennial here.

Things are slow, but thanks to a lot of care, and a lot, A LOT, of homemade feed they’re healthy and taking in the sun whenever it deigns to show its face, The roses have far less aphids this year, be it weather or skipping the sprays I have no idea, but I’m glad as I want to cut them back to maybe six feet, they’re seven and eight and it’s hard to photograph them, but I’m not cutting them too far I like them high and wild. They haven’t gone dormant so cutting is a risk now, but it’s the new way things are, I keep repeating it, Dear Reader, but it is startling how much it has all been altered for the worse. I have the wheelbarrow awaiting planting, trying to decide what would be best, likely best for bees, but also affordable. Tempted to stick squash in there, but I’ll be good.

No idea where the snapdragons are coming from.

Whimsey does a body good.

Yeah, need to cut them back later in the year.

Corner hydrangea is still a mix, but no blue.

Wonder if I keep taking will they all be different colours next time.

Getting near the end for passiflora.

A thornier rose, a little wild I figure.

My wild rose.

Corner gets a lot of pink mixed in.

Garlic going back and squash just starting.

Really there isn’t much to say, there feels like one sunny day a week maximum and that’s not conducive to long-term projects, I feel as if I spent all last year and this year improving everything for Spring and Summer and they just haven’t materialised. I’m planting and taking care, but with a cold breeze that’s making my body ache, Summer is usually relief for a lot of chronic pain and that isn’t happening. All I can do is plan where I’ll take the garden, a lot of plants for bees is the most likely step, I’m watching my weeding for useful plants, there was a snapdragon last year that I replanted that has rebloomed and another, a different colour no less, has appeared in the old spot. If we’re heading to heavy rains like last year bulbs might be bought less as they’ll likely rot unless established and even then it’s not a given they’ll survive. Not a cheery post, Dear Reader, but an honest one, at least the flower still speak of hope with their various shades and shapes. I’ll be back again soon, until then stay safe and take care.

Honesty seed pods don’t look as fancy as the packet. Took two years so I’ll save them.

Might need a dedicated space for these roses.

Hard to imagine it’s lily season.

Mock Orange is out, saw it in another garden too, might need to go take cuttings.

Might be yarrow.

Peach among the pinks.

Might be fleabane, I want to see it flower.

Ah, a purple lupin for a change.

Godspeed squash.

Lot of stretching to get this shot.

Ajuga is lovely.

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