Oh Hub Blub?

These smaller roses really grew well after being replanted. I remember reading that you should replace the top few inches of soil each year with roses. Seems to hold true.

One empty pot, but another tier is full. I had heavier soil so I figured it’d work better than too light compost that’d compact and make a mess. Slow, but steady.

These huge daises to me, birds maybe, are new…nice though.

I couldn’t think what it was at all, my brain just blanked. Orange Hub-bard Squash.

Baby rose.

Old red rose cutting has a maybe bud, I think I say this before and it was just a cluster of leaves.

Yo, Dear Reader, yes I’m back already, I’ll swear I’ll be more chipper, usually it’d be easy at this time of year, but the weather really is taking a toll. I’m mostly posting to think things through and sharing the little bits that are popping up. I found that the cabbages in the cold-frame had been attacked, most were fine and I should have enough, I’ll likely separate rather than thin, might transplant a few to get them stronger. What this has reminded me is I have had issues these last few years due to the wet and the cold-frame getting darker, perfect for slugs and snails. So, I’m thinking of using the covered frame as a cold-frame, it’s just for a month or so in the whole year anyway, and converting the cold-frame to a raised bed. I’ll stow the window somewhere, but I feel it’d be better, more open, less bending and more space.

This is the one that goes on for months in big messy bunches. I love it dearly.

This campanula just grew so well and none since have, it has no real roots bar the original chunk, but I stuck a tray o soil under it as a tester.

Maybe next time, I have plenty of buds left.

A good year for tayberries.

It’s been a great aid, but right now is less functional and useful than it could be.

Flamingo, now a vulture apparently, had some issues, it’s neck was heavier than expected, I know, Dear Reader, it’s made of concrete but so is the body. So it has taken more of a roosting position and looks oddly sinister next to a pile of bones. A funny aside, I bought antique white for the masks and odds and ends, hoping the off white would look better, I’m bad with colours but even I can see it’s white. Pure, brilliant whatever adjective you want to use, which is fine, but why not call it white then?! I’m not painting much yet, just testing things out. I’m likely finished casting, the flipped flamingo will be much later if not next year, so for now I work out what needs to be done this year. I’m thinking of taking the best perennials for the front sunken planters, newly bought just isn’t the same quality it was, Dear Reader, established and old is better. Whatever works best for the bees, which look a lot more frantic than they should at this time of year, but everything is scarce because many just aren’t planting or are mowing it all down. I’ll be back again soon, Dear Reader, maybe with a new bed, maybe with yet another idea to magically create space in the garden. Until then stay safe and take care.

Delphinium, likely the last of that old batch. I might buy new ones with the foxgloves and let them self-seed again.

Like a cartoon vulture, the bones don’t help. Tempted to paint them a leafy green like a topiary.

Saw two out together and I was so excited to take a photo, but when I got to it the first had closed.

The crane’s bill is a great spreader, it’s just hard to find the centre to take a chunk.

The raspberries in the back rose are thickening up.