
Looks like a fossil.

Came out of a blue sky.

I have a lot of yellow roses right now. They all look vaguely similar.

What can I say if people ask what I’m doing? Making a swan/duck/vaguely wading bird.

The greenhouse smells of fruit.

For something I’d have just tossed this is really neat.

There must be at least a half dozen yellow rose plants blooming at once.

Making me look like I’m just taking the same flower over and over.

I miss the rescue plants, but this weather is not right for long dreary walks.

A friend bought these half dead and despite that they flowered, they are not as striking as the packet indicated.

I know I say nothing is growing and I know I shouldn’t, really it why I photograph so much.

Finally another colour!

Cut back for years because it was “too long” and never flowered. Glad I listened to me.

Peas and oddly upright spuds.

Yo, Dear Reader, three days ago a sudden thunder rain hit and the temperature dropped significantly, which means yours truly has been stuck in, I realise these days that I tend to overwork due to how long I was too sick to even function, still makes it infuriating, but I’m doing better with the anger. This is the new norm, but there’s zero way to plan for it, there’s nothing much to do in overcast, rainy weather, even sudden heatwaves as damaging as they can be can be turned to a useful purpose. Naturally I’m planning, whatever I can, be it a better way of glazing the triangular panels, rather than cutting a small sheet or sourcing a very long so I’ll use a single panel at the base and cut a full sheet, also making a duck. What? Oh, I have no idea how much I’ve been mentioning things, so excuse any repeats, Dear Reader, I made the flamingo, which in the reviews mentioned they were making “angel wings” and I was curious, all there was was a mention so there I was with two halves of the body and with the right angel…I mean angle, they resembled angel wings. I cast those, the flamingo base, a rough thing from an old bowl, then realised it’d sit in the base with the help of the letter W, just snapped in. I have epoxied the body and neck next up is attaching it to the base, the epoxy is great, I’m learning how to be less messy with it, I just need it to sit in the garden, but strong is better. The duck is a flipped body and a shortened flipped beak. I would call it a swan, but that’s pushing it. It’s all just a bit of fun, but it really makes the garden more unique.

Looks like a bra.

I forget lupins are in the pea family and are scented.

The rain gave them back their yellow hue.

I was just checking and it balanced perfectly.

Teasel is messy, but they are great for bees.

Rose cloud is blooming too.

Having a rest before I attach it to the base.

The flowers are insignificant, but the bees love the honeysuckle.

Baby hydrangeas is a weird little joy.

I forgot what a swan beak looked like.

I haven’t inserted this into the barrel yet, but cool I guess.

Half a day and they close. I have a lot of photos.

A raspberry in the currants, no idea if it’s red or yellow.

There is a lot growing, but so far behind, it might be the first year I skip the jam, rising costs has really made it less than beneficial and that there may be a lot less fruit has sealed it. I’m relieved, I tend to try to juggle too much, without help, but with plenty of prompting, so much like the ornaments I’ll do it when I feel like it and feel it worthwhile. Right now I’d like to see the basil start, the cabbages should be out, ditto many flowers, but they’re in cold-frame limbo, the squash is fine for a while and I should have enough. One of the reasons this is o infuriating it that it’s a global issue, the world over there is so, so much wrong and being willfully ignorant will solve nothing, but I can’t fight climate collapse, so I’ll just do what I can and work within the limited framework, which as you know I’ll push as hard as possible in, Dear Reader. For now I just take it slow and do what I can. Summer is usually the time my joints are at their best and this year is not living up to that promise so slow stays until it warms. I’ll be back again, Dear Reader, hopefully with a finished flamingo, until then stay safe and take care.

Wild blackberries seem to like this weather oddly.

Back rose is thick, nettles are a pain, but I’ll use them for feed.

It’s not all yellow, just mostly.

I guess I take more runners from the new types.

Had to clear a spot and now I have a bird area marked out.

Hardy gloxinia.

Every year I assume the dormant fern is dead, but wait anyways and months later it’s just suddenly there.

Scapes are appearing and I forget where the hardneck varieties are.

It started to rebloom and just went wild with it.

The pain in the backside Himalayan balsam oddly grows stunted if in pots.

The gap is where the dead looking branch just kept growing further on, it’s why I won’t ever cut it.

Hosta just popped up, messy, but I like it.

They all look so much better without the rose spray.

5 thoughts on “Flamingoslow

  1. Your yellow roses are fabulous, but the red one and the orange one are just stunning.
    I probably shouldn’t ask this, but aren’t those flamingoes supposed to have legs – like those long ones?

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